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Day One Gas Station at Detroit Lake With minimal planning, three motorcyclists took to the roads south and east from Portland, Oregon. I, being the leader and veteran rider of the group,...
Desmo Details - oil on wood This month has been a busy one. I am in two shows, one in Laguna Beach and the other right here in the Portland Area. The show here at home included two of my...
Kevin's Ninja 250 and my Hawk GT enjoying the view. Finally after waiting and saving all summer I had cash to buy a new front tire. To celebrate and have a mandatory break in the tire ride, Kevin...
Okay, I know this is pretty late, but I figure it's better late than never. Besides, now I can remind you of what you missed and encourage you to come next year. A large circle of white peaked...
I'll start this section with a house warming, or rather a studio warming. Setting up in my new space Today, I am settling in to my new studio and this is the first day that I have started a...
Perseverance - Oil on Wood 8" x8" An orange glow filled the bedroom as I abandoned slumber; accompanying this clandestine light, I spied the even tone of a solid blue sky. The perfect day to...