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MotoPainter's Oil Paintings at the One Show behind the Icon bikes The gods of weather decided to put Portland's motorcycle community to the test Thursday, February 6th, by dumping several inches...
[youtube=] Guenevere is currently doing a Kickstarter to support the release of her new Metal Prints. View her kickstarter HERE. Pledging...
I still have a ways to go to reach my Kickstarter goal, but if 200 people pledged at the $18 level I would reach my goal. With 20 days left I would need to reach 10 people a day. This might seem like...
My backers are so awesome! They've gotten me 30% of the way. I need a bit more help to reach my goal. Every little bit helps. I've got rewards for every budget. Join my backers and be the first in...
[caption id="attachment_86" align="alignnone" width="300"] Guenevere "MotoPainter" with her 48x36 inch oil painting "Vintage Duati"[/caption] I am starting an effort to get my work out there and...
[caption id="attachment_74" align="alignnone" width="300"] Jason DiSalvo's Triumph Daytona 675R[/caption] While shopping for gear and bikes at Gladstone Triumph, I was lucky enough to snap a few...