Portland’s One Motorcycle Show

MotoPainter's Oil Paintings at the One Show behind the Icon bikes
MotoPainter’s Oil Paintings at the One Show behind the Icon bikes

The gods of weather decided to put Portland’s motorcycle community to the test Thursday, February 6th, by dumping several inches of snow. This being the day participants of The One Motorcycle Show were scheduled to set up in a large brick building on SE Morrison and 10th. Thursday evening, when I should have been hanging my art at the show, I ran back and forth from window to window to watch as drivers repeatedly attempted the large hill I live next to. It was a hoot to watch as car after car lost momentum midway, halting in the street to block traffic and impede anyone else from the summit. As the evening commuters died down, a trail of abandoned cars lined the side of the road.

My 1984 VW Westy conquers the snow.
My 1984 VW Westy conquers the snow.

The snow and my location on this hill posed a problem for me as well. Having two vehicles to choose from, both of which are rear wheel drive, one a light pickup truck with no weight in the bed, or a 1984 VW Westfalia, I had my doubts about my success at reaching the show. Our alarm rang at 5:30AM on Friday morning as Kevin, heading to work via bus and MAX, required extra time for his commute. As we lay in bed deciding our attack, I suggested chains for the VW, and a trial run down and then back up the hill. Luckily it worked. Chains did the trick and kudos for the van at being my savior for the show. I made the 14 mile trek through what, at places, seemed to be at least a foot of snow, and only on surface streets to avoid the urge to surpass my chained speed limit.

I recruited the aid of my good friend, Chris, to help me hang my art, and once we arrived at the show it was a bustle of people coming and going and bikes everywhere. Staking my claim to the back wall of the upstairs, I stayed out of the way of the long line of bikes and owners waiting to be photographed that stretched from the front of the building all the way to the back. I saw some familiar faces such as Arun, from MotoCorsa, with his Terra Corsa, and countless others I had never encountered. The excitement started to build as I began to look around at all the different bikes.

Various Genres of Bikes to choose from
Various Genres of Bikes to choose from

The show contained many different types of bikes for lots of riding styles. I too, brought a collection of paintings from across the two wheeled world. My paintings included, for the first time ever, a Moto GP racer, Dani Pedrosa, my favorite, as well as a Vespa, and even a Chopper. While stretching my boundaries to include bikes outside my native genre, I had to stay true to my favorites and include my much awaited and anticipated Desmo painting that I have been working on for months.

As for the bikes, I’ll admit that when I look at bikes these days I look with a painting in mind, and I am partial to bright colors, which many of the bikes lacked. I found myself draw to the classic bikes downstairs. What can I say, I’m a sucker for that style. Here are a few of my favorites.

I have to say that my favorite bike from the One show had to be this beauty by Kott Motorcycles in LA. The attention to detail, and elegant copper finishes stole my heart.

Did you go to the show? Tell me what bikes were your favorite and why. I’m curious which bikes other people liked.

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